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Be Ye Kind…


The other day, I almost lost a friend because, when she was hurting and wounded, I quickly shot her a note reminding her to read the Bible and to pray. Her hurt was so deep, her pain so great, she immediately rejected my glib attempt at comfort (as she should have) and turned away from me. When I realized what I had done, it could have been (but thankfully wasn’t) too late. Jesus never called us to preach “at” people. He called us to love people like we love ourselves. I thought about what that means, in real life terms. I think it means that when I go to love someone like myself, I need to stop and think about how I would treat myself in that person’s situation.

If I were hurting, sad, scared and wounded, would I want what I offered to my friend? Nope. Not at all, even though I know that prayer and the Word are AMAZING and VITAL and NEEDED. What I would do for myself is this: I would curl up in a ball and cry. I would sleep. I would read something that makes me happy. I would go to a Mexican restaurant with my journal and I would enjoy my favorite food while writing down my thoughts and hurts and hopes and dreams. I would drink hot tea with lemon. I would wear comfy socks, preferably bright orange ones. I would go for a walk with my dog. I would cuddle with my dog. I would hang out with my daughters. I would watch Netflix. I would eat chocolate. And THEN…after my heart healed a little, after my mind cleared and my emotions stabilized, I would kneel. I would go to my lovely God and I would talk to Him, one on one, honest and real. I would scream, shout, whimper, or whisper. I would do whatever it took to communicate with Him on a gut-level basis. I would pick up my Bible and ask Him to make it come alive for me. Show me His way, His will, His heart.

So, to that friend, and you know well who you are, I am so very sorry. I wasn’t there for you and I regret that. Maybe we can fix it. Maybe we can go have lunch, or to a movie. Maybe we can talk on the phone. Maybe we can Facebook it. Maybe we can go for a walk. Whatever we do, I love you and I appreciate the lesson this taught me. Please forgive me, and know that God does love you, and He is cool with wherever you are, whatever you need, whenever you need it. Don’t turn away from God because of my inadequacies. He is and He has all that you need.

Even if that isn’t prayer, or the Bible, at the moment. He will be there when you need Him. Maybe not in a church or a Bible study. Maybe you’ll find Him wherever there are tacos. Wherever it is, you’ll find Him when you need Him most. And that is all that matters.



This is what I long to do for my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I long to SHINE for Him. Not just exist, or plod along in this life, but to sparkle, twinkle, glitter, glow and literally shine so bright that everyone around me sees it, wonders about it, and finds Him in the midst of it. He has done so much for me. I thank You, Lord Jesus! Today, let me be a bright light for You. Let me SHINE !

straight up commitment


My life is so…busy. I am always running. From my job to my girls to the pets to my family and friends….today I feel God is calling me to slow it down. Reboot. Recharge. Refresh. RE NEW. I split up that word on purpose. RE NEW. Make new…again. I’ve done this a million trillion times over the past fifty years! Thankfully, there seems to be no limit to the Re Do button in our lives. “Show me again, Lord.” “Teach me a new way, Father God.” I stumble on this path. I stumble and I fall and I have learned only one way to recover and that is to get back up. Just get back up, dust off my weary knees and ….as the old childhood adage goes….try, try again.
My heart longs for Him in a dry and weary land where there seems to be no water. Will you come and go with me on this journey to a deeper, more intimate walk with our Lord and Saviour? I want to be like Him in every way that I can. Let me start today, let me start over.

Sunday morning special….:)


Fresh, crisp, cool Sunday morning here. I am awake, the girls are asleep, the dogs are resting quietly now that they’ve woken me up, and Sophie the cat is just hanging out. God is so true and honest and real in my world. I pray today that some of His spirit will flow through me and touch at least one person who really, truly longs for a touch from Him.

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